When ladies contact Ladies Back On Your Bike, they sound almost embarrassed that they confess to not having ever had their backside on a bike seat! When they hear they are one of 30 or more we have taught in the past few months, the sigh is quite audible! It’s terrific to have taught these…
Category: News

Ladies Back On Your Bike loved cycling in France and Switzerland!
LBOYB Back from Overseas Sixteen days of European cycling fun, was recently had by eight ladies from LBOYB. Where exactly did they go? The first week was cycling warm summer days of Loire, France. (whilst I hear you froze back here in Melbourne) This was followed by a 2 day breather in Yvoire, on Lake Geneva.…

Who works at a St Kilda Rd office? Free brekky for whole office!
Do you know of any bike enthusiasts along St Kilda Rd who would like to host their own breakfast at their workplace, on Ride to Work day, Wednesday Oct 14th? Good on the City of Port Phillip, as they are keen to help with a free breakfast or food box for such a company. Please…

Meet our new Instructors / Leaders
Recently, Ladies Back On Your Bike, added a few new faces, 10 in fact, to our Instructor/Leader team. All of them have completed the Cycling Australia Aust Cycle certificate and are ready and raring to go. Check them out here . They are leading rides even in this quacking, cold weather! The photo above has 3 of the leaders…

Nell is here! The best bike buyer consultant at her best!
Well, you’ve had some lessons and yes! You’ve discovered to your delight that your inner cyclist is alive and well, and clamoring for a suitable two wheeled chariot to explore this fantastic new world of fun, fitness, adventure and freedom. So it’s off to your local bike shop where you are confronted by a bewildering…